Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Quote of the day

An education devoted entirely to the development of abstract and technical mental facility, which lacks any vital connection with human meaning and substance, becomes itself a main agent of cultural impoverishment and the displacement of human concerns (Sloan, 1983, p. 196)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tomorrow, Woodland Faire!

Don't forget to stop by the Woodland Faire tomorrow, at the
Westside Waldorf School in the Pacific Palisades.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fashion Fairy I

I am working on a series of fashion fairy designs.
My intention is to post a new one every other day or so.
Here is Number I

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wow Awards 2012

I just happened to find out about: "The 24th Brancott Estate World of Wearable Art (WOW) Awards for 2012". It's a show that happens every year in New Zealand. 
I was blown away, and inspired, by some of the creations. 
Here a few pictures.
Debbie Shepherd ensemble, City Lolita, won the Shell Sustainability Award in the Avante Garde section. Constructed entirely using upcycled metal zippers
Marjolein Dallinga was the recipient of an award for her costume Skin
Revive, Mengyue Wu & Yuru Ma, China - Runner-up to the Supreme WOW Award winner
Delight Of Light, Yuru Ma & Mengyue Wu, China - Winner!

And, here is a youtube video of great moments of the show.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Here is the pumpkin I carved this year, I was inspired by Martha Steward center piece vine and leaf carved pumpkin. Happy Trick or Treating!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Woodland Faire

Just finished the poster design for the Westside waldorf Woodland Faire.
This event is open to the larger community!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Go Carolina!

Carolina Fontoura Alzaga's awesome chandeliers from recycled materials, via Etsy's handmade portraits.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Woodland Creatures

With half my heart in Brooklyn and the other half here in Los Angeles, I am wishing all the Waldorf crafters all over, the best of luck with their beautiful work. My dear Valentina, I am thinking of you.

Inspired by the upcoming Woodland Faire at the Westside Waldorf School, here are some new illustrations. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I'm not quite satisfied with this little lady. 
Pre-study for a bigger piece.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Paper Forest

A couple of years ago I saw an incredibly beautiful show at the Dumbo Arts Center (DAC). It was an installation by Wade Kavanaugh, and Stephen B. Nguyen. They had created a stunning life size forest out of twisted red paper.

My daughter (5) and myself walked through this magical world and couldn't get enough of it. We went back many times, and then it was gone... I found pictures, including a couple of images from their White Stag show.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Too much to do, not enough time.

For those of you who know me, I always complain about a lack of time.
Too many ideas, not enough time. Too much time spent on the computer catching up on emails, etc. But even though I am trying to get away from this digital world, my interest was caught by Pinterest. I tend to compile a lot of images on my desktop when I research a project, or just when they inspire me in some way. Now I just organize those images in boards on Pinterest. One of the boards I recently created is called Patterns and textures. Here is one of the images from that board.

Monday, September 24, 2012

vanilla bean: roasted apple scones with ginger

I discovered a great new and very yummie blog! Check this out.

vanilla bean: roasted apple scones with ginger: The month of September is usually a space of transition for me. So many times it has started out that way: grade school, college, moving, ma...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Great blogpost about painted rocks at Total Art Soul.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Magical Country Kitchen

A couple of weeks ago, a very nice woman, named Tawnya, bought one of the illustration prints from my Etsy shop.
Not long after that she shared pictures of what she did with the print.

Look at this sweet kitchen. So well done with a real metal bowl and faucets.
Thank you for sharing your creation with me, Tawnya!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hi Everyone,
I probably won't be blogging until September. We are moving back to Southern California in August.
My daughter will be attending the Waldorf School there.
Packing up the house as we speak... I have way too much stuff.

See you in the fall!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Reading Tree

School is almost out... We'll be spending most of our time in the country, weeding, re-painting the house, and mowing the lawn. Summer vacation used to mean reading for me, reading good books, one after the other, sitting outside in the garden. Heaven! I tried to convey this feeling in my newest painting.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sick Day

Last week, my daughter was sick at home. On the second day she seemed a little better and wanted to DO something. "Let's make something," she said pulling one of my craft books from a shelf.
We opened the box of ripped t'shirts and scraps of fabric and she chose three things. "It will be called Streepje," she announced. Streepje means Stripy in dutch. So together we made Streepje.


Meant for a Moment, designs

Most of the time I spend my work-time having fun drawing or painting, (not so much fun when I am writing, it's a little more soul wrenching for me.) But, once in a while, I feel as if nobody really cares. No one will ever see or like this, it's all just for nothing. I was having such a day when I came upon this very sweet blogpost at Meant For a Moment, and everything was fine again!

Thank you, Tara!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spring Frolic

The annual Fundraiser at our school looks like it will be a blast.

Come join us if you can.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Design Inspirationalist

I just got notice from Melissa at The Design Inspirationalist that she used one of my illustrations for an Art Inspired palette. That brought me to her lovely blog.
Thank you Melissa!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bicycle Girl

New Painting 

Graphite line drawing
Digitally painted

Friday, March 2, 2012

A Walk in Brooklyn

Walking around Brooklyn is always a visual adventure. I often come upon sights that stop me in my tracks. Crumbling walls, street art, trees, colors, light; all are full of beauty to me. Luckily, most of the time I have my phone, (with camera,) in my pocket, ready to record those special moments.
I recently downloaded some of my pictures.

Thank you for walking with me.