Friday, December 23, 2011

Gingerbread house

My daughter and I made a gingerbread house a couple of days ago.

  We use lemon juice and powdered sugar as glue.

 We didn't have enough dough, so we had to use Graham crackers for one side of the roof.

 She had the idea for a pond with a frog in it.

 It took so much candy.

 And, we had to run back to the candy store 3 times for more candy... She didn't mind.

 She asked if she could choose one candy a day to eat.
Happy Holidays

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

DAC Holiday 2011 Pop-Up Sale

December 16 – 21, 2011
Hours: 11 AM – 7 PM
Opening Reception: December 15, 6 – 8 PM
50% of sales benefit DAC and the creation of new art!
50% of sales benefit the participating artists!
Dumbo Arts Center (DAC) is hosting a Pop-Up Holiday Art Sale! Prices starting as low as $30.
Dumbo Arts Center is pleased to present our 2011 Holiday Pop Up Sale, featuring more than 50 artists selling art affordably priced, with special selections by each artist at $30! 50% of sales benefit DAC and the creation of new art and 50% of sales benefit the participating artists! So you can get great art and support emerging artists!
DAC will use the funds to continue our cutting edge programming, like building a summer library, making human pyramids that represent the economic system, doing experimental mediations, and more exhibition and events than you can shake a candy cane at. While we can’t say for sure what the artists will do with their share, we are pretty sure it will go to producing more art.
Particpating artists include:
Leesa Abahuni, Nicole, Abahuni, Steven Anderson, Nicole Antebi, Bridget Batch, Sarah Bostwick, Jude Broughan, Robmat Butler, Sean Cavanaugh, Barb Choit, Elizabeth Conn, Megan Cump, Kenneth Dale, Rodney Dickson, Tim Dowse, Karl Erickson, Shingo Francis, Gina Fuentes Walker, Jesse Gelaznik, Katy Hamer, Linda Herritt, Cathrin Hoskinson, Patrick Jewell, Aileen Leijten, Catherine Lewis, Jen Liu, Lia Lowenthal, Peter Max Lawrence, Kayla Mohammadi, Kaveri Nair, Rick Parker, Walter Patrick, Tara Romero, Bill Roundy, Jennifer Schwartz, Sam Seawright, Karen Shaw, Janos Stone, Holly Sumner, Gabriela Vainsencher, Michelle Vaughan, Barbara Weissberger, Bradley Wester, Michael Wilson and more!

The image above is a detail of one of the two pieces I have in the show.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Fair Pictures

The Winter Fair at the Brooklyn Waldorf School was more fabulous than ever!
There were so many amazingly beautiful and fun activities to do. One of the many highlights was the Enchanted Forest. I was running around the whole day and only found time to snap a few quick pictures with my phone, of the school craft booth.


Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hi Everyone,
I am giving away one of my 'Books' prints through Katy's amazing blog NO BIG DILL.
Please visit her blog to find out how to participate.
no big dill

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Natures Wonders

The other day, we were in Amherst, MA walking, when we came upon a tree that had the greatest little mushroom growing on it's side, between the bark.
It looked exactly like a little lady with a bonnet.

It was amazing.

I'm slowly getting known as the mushroom lady...
Hmmm, I wonder why.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


You are cordially invite to visit my brand spanking new redesigned website.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good Morning Dear Friends

Every morning in my daughters KinderGarten class, they say this beautiful verse together.
I find it a great way to start the day.

The Earth is firm beneath my feet
the sun shines bright above.
And here stand I, so straight and strong
all things to learn and love.

Little drops of water, little grains of sand,
make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land.
Little deeds of kindness, little words of love,
make the earth below like heaven above.

Here I am, my friends I see.
Good Morning to you and Good Morning to me.

Good morning dear friends.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Mushrooms

Off course we had to be mushrooms for Halloween.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Street Art

A sweet friend of mine recently emailed me some great pictures of street art. 
I chose a few to share with you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Website Redesign

At the moment, I am deep in the trenches of redesigning my website. The design part is close to done and the programming part (definitely not my favorite) has started. I am using Dream Weaver and some basic HTML programming. Dream Weaver has changed since the last time I used it (so has my memory, more holes...) and, I am scrambling around the software, trying to find the functions I need.
I hope to have a spiffy new site up by the end of the month. Please bear with me.
For now, I am lifting up the tip of the veil to give you glimps of the look and feel I am going for.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back 2 School

Oh my, August came and went...
Tomorrow is the first day of school for us, and the weather is certainly announcing the fall here is NYC.

When I read other people's blogs, I always enjoy seeing their process and sketches. So, I want to share my process here with you.
My 'Back to School' painting from sketch to finish.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Renegade Report

I never reported on how the Renegade Craft Fair went for us in Brooklyn. Though a little late, here are some images and impressions.

Day 1: A rainy and dreary start, followed by a serious thunderstorm in the middle of the day. Regardless of the weather there were many visitors who courageously came around. People were full of wonderful compliments and liked to hang around for a while.

Day 2: The weather was better, more people passed through, and came back. We seemed to attract people with cameras. Almost everyone took lots of pictures. A blessing or a curse? Some people asked first, most didn't.

All in all it wasn't a huge financial success, but we certainly learned a lot, and met a lot of nice people. Being able to accept credit cards on my Iphone certainly helped. Thank you everyone for your support and help.
Some of my creations are available on Etsy. To find out what Adrienne Patrick is up to, you can visit her Blog.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dams & Stacked Rock Sculptures

Nothing is more refreshing on a hot day, than standing with your feet in a cold stream. But standing around doing nothing is not something enjoyable, so we started moving rocks around.