Friday, December 31, 2010

Handmade Gifts 2

Upon his request, I made a needle felted woodpecker for my husband, John. I also made a house for the little bird. John has only seen pictures of his present, because we are out of town and I didn't bring it with me.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Handmade Gifts 1

This year I made a Waldorf Doll for my daughter's Christmas. I took a workshop with Beatriz Smith at the Brooklyn Waldorf School, and over the course of 8 weeks, I made the doll. Here are some pictures.

She named her Rosie.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sergio's Picture Book Lists

Sergio Ruzzier invites people who love picture books to send him a list with ten of their favorite picture books, for kids (or not). The books can be from any time and any country.You can be an author, an illustrator, an editor, an art director, a bookseller, a librarian, an agent, or anyone who has a passion for picture books. I sent him my list. To see the books I chose, go to Sergio's blog.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


If you missed the Book Maker's Dozen Panel discussion at the Powerhouse Bookstore last Thursday. You can see it now, here, thanks to the School Library Journal Blog post.

Book Maker’s Dozen Hosts First Exhibit from School Library Journal on Vimeo.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Book Maker's Dozen

Thirteen children's book illustrators have joined forces to create fun events around their artwork and books.
Book Maker\
We, (yes, I am one of them) have a blog now, an Etsy shop, and many fun events coming up; including a panel discussion at Power House Books in DUMBO. Thank you John Rocco, for making this happen.
Here's who we are, with links to our respective websites.

Come join us on December 2nd!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Johan Ku

A very dear friend turned me on to the fabulous creations of Johan Ku.  Ku was born in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1979. He started his career as a graphic designer but went on to get a BA and an MA in Fashion and textile design. He started his own studio in 2005 and is currently based in London.
His signature, sculpture like dresses are true works of art.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm in the movies....

Doing a drawing Demonstration.

If you haven't seen the show yet. It's still up in the Brooklyn Public Library until the end of the year.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pencil Sculptures

This morning, I found these images in an email from my sister.
The artist who makes these tiny sculptures out of the graphite tips on pencils, is called Dalton Ghetti. Needless to say, Mr. Ghetti has magical fingers. What beautiful tiny creations he makes! I looked him up and found more information on the Kidrobot blog.
Ghetti was born in Brazil and is now based in Connecticut, he apparently does this as a side project, next to being a professional carpenter. He has been perfecting his art for the last 25 years and has never sold one sculpture. He gives them away to friends...

 These kinds of finds inspire me and make my days happier.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Stranded - A quick note.

I'm stuck in the airport together with other unfortunate stuckees. All flights are delayed due to weather. (hard to believe while looking out at the clear blue sky) I am amazed at the sense of camaraderie that is developing between us stuckees (except for some frantic ac outlet hogging behavior all around).
Luckily, I am feeling calm and serene form a relaxing and recharging visit with my dear West Coast friends, who I can't thank enough for being the great people and faithful friends they are. (Yes, you know who you are).
I've been switching back and forth between my lab top and a really good book one of my very special friends lent me. David Foster Wallace's, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, is making this wait so much more significant and bearable. I have quickly fallen in love with this writer, and now have to read everything he has ever written.
I am ranting, sorry. It's just that I'm stranded...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Drawn in Brooklyn

Drawn in Brooklyn, is the Brooklyn Public Library’s festival and exhibition of children’s book illustrations! Brooklyn’s diverse, vibrant environment is home to the most remarkable concentration of children’s book professionals on the planet. This fact is put on brilliant display by the work of the illustrators featured in this exhibition, and I am proud to be one of them.

The art exhibit is curated by John Bemelmans Marciano, and will be up for 4 months. Many other related events are happening during that time.

September 21st - Exhibition opening

September 26th - Panel Discussion
Children's book author and illustrator John Bemelmans Marciano, the grandson of Madeline creator Ludwig Bemelmans, discusses the world of children's literature and illustration with fellow illustrators R. Gregory Christie (Bad News for Outlaws, The Champ), Sophie Blackall (Big Red Lollipop, Meet Wild Boars) John Rocco (Fu Finds the Way, Moonpowder), and Melanie Cecka, Bloomsbury's editorial director for children's literature.

October 5th - Meet the Author/Illustrator, Aileen Leijten
I'll be doing a presentation at the Central Library, Dweck Center.

October 16th - Family Day: Illustrators Festival
10:30 am – 3 pm Central Library, PlazaAll ages can enjoy this fair that features readings, workshops, book signings and music. (In case of rain, this will be held in the Dweck Center.)

Check out the Brooklyn Public Library calendar for more presentations and workshops by other artists, both at the festival and throughout the fall.

(above illustration by John Marciano).

Monday, September 20, 2010

Brooklyn Book Festival

I know it's too late for this post, the Brooklyn Book Festival has come and gone. But it was so much fun despite the rain. My daughter and I sat in the children's area tent and listened to hours of story time. 
We heard: 

John Rocco (Fu Finds the Way; Moonpowder) Off course!
Sergio Ruzzier (Amandina; Hey, Rabbit!) Picture above.
Judi Barrett, (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs; The Marshmallow Incident)
Chris Raschka (Big Black Crow; Peter and the Wolf)
Brian Floca (Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11The Racecar Alphabet) Picture below.
I was great to see those people in person reading their books and drawing their drawings.
But not all is lost. Drawn in Brooklyn is coming up and there will be many more readings, signings and drawing performances. (Blog Post coming very soon)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Great Day at Princeton Day School, from A Year of Reading.

A recent post from the awesome blog, A Year of Reading. 

Bev and Rebecca enjoying some lemonade before dinner!
A few weeks ago, I spent a day working with teachers atPrinceton Day Schoolin New Jersey. It was a great day put together by 3rd grade teacher, Bev Gallagher. If you don't know Bev, she is an amazing 3rd grade teacher who is also committed to quality professional development. I had met Bev several times and had heard about the work of the Princeton Day School from others who had visited. As I expected, Bev organized an amazing day for teachers. We met in a great room and had energizing learning and conversations all day. It was such a brilliant group of teachers. So much powerful discussion on so many topics connected to literacy.

One of the highs of the day was hearing Rebecca Kai Dotlich read fromBella and BeanBella and Bean is one of my all-time favorites. Love those girls! So, imagine how thrilled I was when I found out that I'd get to meet Rebecca during my day at PDS. Well, not only did I get to meet her, but I got to hear her presentation and we had lots of time to chat on the way to/from the airport, etc. What a thrill! To hear an author you love read a book you love, what could be better!? I am waiting patiently for the next Bella and Bean book to be published. I have hoped that these girls become their own series since the first time I read the book. Still crossing my fingers!

Rebecca reading from BELLA AND BEAN!
I was also thrilled to discover that IN THE SPIN OF THINGS: POETRY IN MOTIONhas been released in paperback. Rebecca was kind enough to share a copy of the book with me. I have a copy from long ago but its availability in paperback opens so many doors. Having several copies of this book in a room would be great for poetry reading and writing. This poetry book, if you don't know it, is a book filled with poems about ordinary things. Rebecca brings a joy to these things that only her poetry can. The rhythm and surprising word choice makes these fun for kids of all ages. If you know WHEN RIDDLES COME RUMBLING by Dotlich, this book has a similar feel to it. I am excited to know that it is out in paperback.

I feel so lucky to have spent the day at Princeton Day School with such amazing teachers. I learned so much from Bev and Rebecca. But I also learned from all of the participants of the workshop. I was lucky this summer to be part of some amazing professional development sessions across the country. To end the summer at Princeton Day School was quite a treat! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Final Drool touches

Drool's hair was a real challenge. 
The curls had to be just right,

and still be soft.

Her arms had to be moveable for easy positioning.
Drool is ready for the show at the Brooklyn Public Library, on October 16, 2010.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Drool update

Hi, here a quick update on the evolution of my little Drool sculpture/doll.

I painted the face and added hair, but haven't photographed that yet. Soon.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I happened upon Cozbi's store by accident. We were walking on Court Street in Brooklyn, on the way to our friends house when we came by a very cute storefront. It was late, but the store was still open and Cozbi was there. We met, talked and talked, and looked around a lot. Cozbi makes clothes, dolls, quilts, children's books; all of it exquisite.

If you are not in Brooklyn, make sure you visit her website. But if you are, go to the store, it's worth the trip.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Packing Tape Art

I just found these pictures on the ArtDoll blog, and had to share it.
Packing Tape Installation by For Use/Numen at the DMY 2010 Berlin's International Design Festival, held in June.
